Shamanic Weather Cancer Full Moon Heartbeat

The Cancer Full Moon Heartbeat thrums at your core, drowning you in subsonic waves of deep emotions. Two of our four personal planets (within the asteroid belt) are nearing the end of their Retrograde (appear to move backward) periods and preparing to station (appear to stand still) and turn direct, and so they feel like a heavy weight dragging you down.

Even if you want to dance to the “Love Is The Answer” Cancer Full Moon Heartbeat, and you may be so tired that tapping your foot is a huge effort.

I’m Craving Sleep!

Love Goddess Venus just shifted into “Free To Love” Aquarius and then sextiled (positively activated) with Love to Expand You Jupiter. So in the middle of retrograde sluggishness and 2022-exhausted soul weariness, how and what we love in our lives keeps us looking for the light.

Like a beacon, the January 6th Full Moon beams from 16° of Cancer, and is the second of five Full Moons in a row at 16 degrees of their sign! 16 is the number of introspection, wisdom, and even family. It reduces down to 7, as does our year, 2023. Our Full Moon Heartbeat has a rhythmic theme going here…

This Home-Heart-Introspection Resonates

Outer You Sun stands opposite in the heavens at 16° of “Intelligently Plan Your Love” Capricorn. The Inner Moon calls us home to the heart, to family, our love core. The Sun emphasizes what’s surrounding and supporting this tender emotional space. How do we tend to both?

With love. Let the Full Moon Heartbeat carry you into a trance dance to explore all the ways you currently experience and want to expand love in your life! Light some candles, clear some floorspace, and get that Heart and Root chakra playlist going!

The Sabian Symbol for 16° of Cancer is “the seed grows into knowledge and life.” Love is that seed. Nurture it into passion and loving presence with yourself and your relationships with others, with your life’s calling, your surroundings, and anything related to your path.

Make this a Full Moon to Roar about!

Namaste ~ Mara


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Art: from (Jill) Thank You For Your Likes on Pixabay

Shamanic Weather Disclaimer

This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!