Our Wild Child New Moon embodies an essence of the inspired human that is timeless and always accessible!

I referred to this in a social media post I made on the Wild Child New Moon April 11, 2021:

“Can you feel the creativity and hope in the air? A momentum is growing, a river of energy we are all flowing with now. You don’t really have to have a “thing” in mind to “use” this potential. Sometimes all these choices are overwhelming.

A simple resolution to myself is that I will imprint this energy into my awareness as a touchstone going forward. That works for me! I’ve already been in a deep change process, so I’m going to take this richly potent new moon as an energy booster.”


Your Wild Child believes in magic, and the numerology for April 11, 2021 is 11, a Master Number! As we move forward from this cosmically-induced remembering of our magical selves, let’s check in with some of that in invigorating touchstone energy.


The Sabian Symbol for 22 degrees Aries (where the Outer You Sun and Inner You Moon aligned) is “to hold the world in your palm.” How does that feel? Oh, and I hope you noticed that 22 is also a Master Number.


If anxiety tugs at your solar plexus when you read this, please know you are not missing out! Your magic is ALWAYS there. 


When your wild child within demands some attention, listen. They are telling you something important. That powerful being is your portal to all the magic, creativity and wonder you could ever hope to experience.

And, of course, that means sometimes they are cranky, needy, restless and impulsive. They want to play, not “work.” Nap attacks seize you at the most unhelpful times. 

So, you take the power nap. You dance to shake up the stuck energy. If you meditate or journey, you seek out direct communication with the soul spark wild child inside you and have a conversation. And the flow begins…


Everyday can be, ok, IS, a new beginning. You can do it. Your wild child within will help!

Make this a life to Roar (or Purr) about!

Namaste ~ Mara

Still wondering where your Wild Child moment went? Friday we have your Oracle Card Check-up go HERE to learn more.

#maraclearspring #shamanichealing #soulretrieval

Shamanic Weather Disclaimer

This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!

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