Shamanic Weather July 2019 Retrogrades

Retrograde Reality

Emotional waves crash on the hard rocks of retrograde reality with six planets in retrograde, slowing us down in this Earth and Water element heaviness.


Messenger Mercury turned retrograde in See Me Love Me Leo on July 7, 2019 at 4:14 pm Pacific Time. Because of an interesting dynamic with Action Jackson Warrior God Mars (He just entered one of his favorite signs, Leo) we are now empowered to really think before we speak. This would be an excellent choice considering how emotional wounds may throb open.


Wounded Healer Chiron stations retrograde at 4:39 pm Pacific Time July 8, 2019 in Me First Aries. Now FOUR archetypes are retrograde in Fire signs. No matter how hot situations may become, get ready for a slow burn. Simmer is better right now.


Love Goddess Venus entered Hug Me Cancer on July 3, 2019. She dove from the secure Earthiness of Taurus into emotional waves of the heart

This is a particularly poignant transit with Mercury retrograding our ego centers, Leo, and so those waves can roll through happy highs and insecure lows. Better wear your “this too shall pass” floaties! (More on Venus in coming articles)


Ah, the road to depression and neurosis begins at this particular turnpike. Why, we could ask, anyone? Let Spiritual Guru Neptune (also in retrograde) and Wounded Healer Chiron help give you directions to a healthier destination.

Emotional Pain: 

Why Me? What do I do? Where do I go?

Spiritual Guru Neptune: 

Become the witness instead of the victim. Draw understanding and growth from the experience. It hurts to crack through the shells of protection, and it’s worth it.

Wounded Healer Chiron: 

I’ll help you look for clues to the “crime.” We can do this. Let’s put you first. I’ve got your back.

Retrograde Reality

We get to slow down, re-evaluate, and refine communication skills at all levels, including with ourselves. This is a gift, not a punishment. This is a 24-hour a day, breath-to-breath meditation. All the tragic headlines about retrogrades, global climate change, political maneuverings and human suffering will continue. Get past the sensationalism and ask deeper questions What is the content? What does it really mean? How does this resonate within me?

The focus on ego (Mercury retro in Leo) offers a flashpoint opportunity for dynamic change and expansion of our self image and growth. From there the other retrograde influences become easier to flow with to our advantage rather than hide from under the illusion of self protection. 

We are all in graduate-level Self School right now. We can do this!

Make these six retrogrades to ROAR about!



I would love to see you! Schedule your session

Art: Leo by Wintersmagic

#shamanicweather #firststepshamanictraining #mercuryretrograde

**Pacific time PDT (UTC-7). Use this Link to determine your time.

Shamanic Weather Disclaimer

This is a general interpretation not meant to address individual natal charts, soul journeys or destiny paths. Take what works for you and leave the rest behind! Love!

Events – Healing – Training

Ho’oponopono Drum Circle

Ho'oponopono Mara's Drum Awakening the Drum

Mara’s Drum

The Shamanic Fire Ring Drumming Circle

Under the Stars at Mara’s Shamanic Oasis

Friday, July 26, 2019

Space Limited!

You can register HERE or go HERE for details


Mara at Anza Shamanic Training

Mara Clear Spring Cook

Shamanism helps you heal body, mind, heart and soul.

Recommended for the soul ready for deep change!

Shamanic Healing ~ Soul Retrieval ~ Counseling You can schedule your appointment right HERE!

CONTACT: ~ 619-972-2469


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